9 months

Finally... mobile! And developing a mind of their own. Efficiently picking up objects and putting in mouth. Separation anxiety, height of stranger awareness and anxiety.


: responds to name, mama/dada nonspecific, understands 'no', will respond to certain requests (wave bye-bye, where is mama?), babbling using several syllables. Claps. Narrate your life, imitate infant's own sounds, play social/interactive games. A good age to begin daily regular reading.
Fine Motor: radial pincer grasp, bangs objects together, hands to mouth, feeds self. Hand dominance prior to 18 mo may indicate weakness in contralateral hand.
Gross Motor: creeps on hands, pulls stand, may begin to cruise, waves bye bye
Cognitive: interested in the trajectory of falling objects, searches for hidden objects
Social: enjoys peek-a-boo, patty-cake, stranger anxiety.

Strabismus, Can now do cover/uncover test, red reflex, tooth eruption, downward parachute reaction, pincer grasp, muscle tone, Stills murmur 3-6 y/o, but occasionally in infancy. Pulmonary flow murmur of newborn (Peripheral pulmonary stenosis), usually disappears by 6 mos.
Reflexes: Plantar grasp extinguishes 9-12 mos, Parachute reflex should be present. Red flag: persistence of primitive reflexes may indicate neuromotor disorder.

Nutrition: at 9 mos: 7-8 oz 3 times per day. Drinking 7-8 oz 3 times per day. Eat solid meals with the family 3x/day + 2-3 snacks. It may take 10-15 tries before a new food is accepted. Offer table foods, like potatoes, soft carrots and peas, noodles, and fruits, and pureed foods. Can usually feed self toast, bread, teething biscuits and encourage to drink from a cup.  Avoid peanuts, hot dogs, popcorn, frozen peas, candy corn, raw celery, raw carrot sticks (aspiration). No honey or corn syrup. Limit finger foods to soft bits not much larger than a Cheerio. No cow’s milk during the first year of life. Supplement with Vit D if <1000 cc/day of formula or strictly breast fed. Vitamin D Supplementation. Plan to wean infant from bottle by 12-15 months.

Head circumference 7-12 mos: 0.5 cm/month. In first year, should grow 25 cm/year (10 inches). Anterior fontanelle closes 13 mos (7-19 mos). Teeth: by 9 mos, has all incisors.

: Sleeps through night + 2 daytime naps. Do not feed or play with if pt wakes up at night. Back to sleep, through first year of life, especially in first 6 mos. May have been sleeping fine for weeks or months, then return abruptly to a late night wakeup schedule, usually related to growth spurts increasing the need for food (Feeding spurts), or teething or developmental changes.

Immunizations: none due

Screening Labs: Vision-Screening. If at risk for lLead Toxicity, get lead level.
Formal developmental screening at 9 mos, 18 mos, 30 mos.
Next visit in
3 mos
Expect: wean from the bottle at 12-15 mos.

Narrate your life, imitate infant's own sounds, play social/interactive games, like peek-a-boo and patty-cake. Use ‘cause-and-effect’ toys: balls to roll back and forth, toys with wheels to push, blocks to put in a container and dump out, etc. Songs with clapping and finger actions help to learn imitation.