Wegener granulomatosis
A Triad of:
- vasculitis of tissues of
upper respiratory tract &
- lower
resp tract
- FSGS (focal segmental
- Look out for progressive upper or
lower respiratory tract manifestations and oral/nasal ulcerations.
- small vessel
of arteries and veins; necrotizing,
- airways
- pain over sinus areas (see
Sinusitis, Chronic)
- nasal ulceration, purulent or bloody nasal discharge
- destructive changes lead to saddle nose deformity
- tracheal lesions, subglottic stenosis
- lungs
- hemoptysis
- cough
- chest pain
- kidneys
- hematuria, proteinuria, RBC casts
- Skin: nodules, purpura, ulcerations
- nonspecific: fever, malaise, wt loss, arthralgia, myalgias, chronic
rhinitis or worsening sinusitis
- usually young or middle aged adults
- c-ANCA (circle the wagons), in 80%
- p-ANCA in a minority (usually in microscopic polyangitis - age of onset 50
- biopsy should be done
- r/o sepsis, fungal, mycobacterial
- Churg-Strauss may have similar triad of organ involvement
- angiocentric T-cell lymphomas (lymphomatoid granulomatosis) produce
similar destructive lesions
Primer of the Rheumatic diseases. 11th ed.