The Prenatal Visit

Pregnancy history:
- ask about previous pregnancies, miscarriages
- Stop smoking (risk for baby: resp illness, SIDS, middle ear effusions)
- stop drugs, alcohol
Family and social history:
- include questions about milk allergy/intolerance
Labor/Delivery/Hospital Stay
- urge participation in classes
- discuss option of rooming in
- baby will get a blood draw, heelsticks, immunization, vitamin K
- bring babies clothes to the hospital
- Ask about plans for feeding, breast vs bottle
- Encourage Breast Milk, pros and cons, Breast Feeding
- let them know a lactation consultant should be available in the hospital (La Leche League)
- recommend type and quantity of formula
Sleeping arrangements
- slats should be less than 2 3/8 inches apart
- avoid quilts, sheepskin, soft surfaces, pillows, stuffed animals
- back to sleep
- avoid overheating
- potential hazards of cosleeping (suffocation)
Child rearing
- recommend AAP book, Caring for Baby and Young Child, birth to age 5
Social Relationships
- discuss ways to involve older sib in preparing for new baby
- prepare sibs for separation from mother while in hospital
- discuss that toddlers may have developmental regression
- Have a car seat ready for the ride home from hospital
- Smoke detector, fire extinguisher
- water temp < 120
- learn CPR
- How to schedule visits, routine vs urgent care, call office
- format for health supervision visits w/ emphasis on development.
- immunization schedule
