Nasal Cannula

Liter Flow O2%













Never use at more than 6 LPM

Simple Face Mask

40-60% O2 @ 8-12 LPM
Never use at flow rates < 5 LPM. Flow must be sufficient to flush CO2 from mask.
Use for pt w moderate hypoxia

Non-Rebreather mask

O2 tube, face mask, inlet/outlet ports covered w 1-way rubber flaps for exhalation
Reservoir delivers 100% O2
Can deliver 60-100% O2 w all flaps closed and tight seal
Flow must be sufficient to prevent collapse of reservoir during inspiration
Hazards of using 100% O2

  1. Irritation,inflammation and bleeding of the mucosa and airway from drying since high flows of unhumidified gas is being delivered.
  2. Absorption atelectasis resulting in further decreased oxygenation. This occurs due to nitrogen washout. Because the patient is breathing 100% oxygen, nitrogen gas is removed form the lungs over a period of time. The lungs are filled with 100% oxygen that is rapidly absorbed across the alveolar capillary membrane. With no nitrogen gas present to keep them open, alveoli are subject to collapse. As more alveoli collapse, adequate oxygenation cannot be maintained despite being on 100%. Patients who have a shallow, rapid breathing pattern are especially at risk for absorption atelectasis.
  3. Therefore, use less than 24 hours

Venturi Mask

Room air entrained into the mask by calibrated device that mixes it w O2
Can deliver 24, 28, 35 or 40% O2