Cyclic Neutropenia
- Autosomal dominant in 25% of patients
- Occurs in infancy
- Defect: presumed to be a regulatory defect involving early hematopoietic
precursor cells esp neutrophils
- Classic presentation: alternating periods of wellness
- 21-day cyclical
oscillations; sx last 3 -7 days (ANC < 200)
- During neutropenic stage:
- get malaise, fever, gingivitis, oral ulcers, pharyngitis, LAD,
- Can also get more serious complications such as pneumonia and
- Fever with aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and cervical lymphadenopathy
- Symptoms improve with age but hematopoetic findings persist
- Recurrent infections with ANC <200
but serious bacterial infections are uncommon
- Dx: Check ANC 2-3x/wk for 6-8 weeks to establish whether a 21 day cycle
can be identified
- Treat with GCSF, dental care, abx prn.
CHLA Board Review 2005