Chediak-Higashi syndrome
also see Phagocyte
dysfunction, general
- Genetics: autosomal recessive (chromosome 1)
- Abnormal intracellular protein transport
- Affects PMNs, lymphocytes, platlets, melanocytes
- Lysosomes
are unable to fuse with
phagosomes : No delivery of
- Partial oculocutaneous albinism,
silvery hair
- Photophobia; Rotary
- Progressive peripheral neuropathy
(teens) - (Ataxia telangiectasia
also presents with a peripheral neuropathy in the teens)
- Mild bleeding diathesis
(impaired platelet aggregation)
Recurrent infections
- Gingivitis/peridontitis
- Skin infections
- Mucous membrane infections
- Respiratory infections
- Enterocolitis
- Gram +/-bacteria and fungi
Life-threatening complications
- Lymphoma-like syndrome
- Lymphohistiocytic infiltration of liver, spleen, and lymph nodes
- Pancytopenia
- Can follow EBV infection
- Predisposition to leukemia/lymphoma
Diagnosis: Large
cytoplasmic granules (inclusion bodies) in all nucleated
blood cells, Granules are peroxidase positive
Treatment: BMT+/-high dose ascorbic acid+/-interferon
CHLA Board Review 2005