
And oxygen therapy
Comparison: PO steroid dosage vs Inhaled steroid

Classification of Asthma Severity: Clinical Features Before Treatment(1)

Step 1: Mild Intermittent

Step 2: Mild Persistent

Step 3: Moderate Persistent

Step 4: Severe Persistent

* The presence of one of the features of severity is sufficient to place a patient in that category. An individual should be assigned to the most severe grade in which any feature occurs. The characteristics noted in this figure are general and may overlap because asthma is highly variable. Furthermore, an individual's classification may change over time.
** Patients at any level of severity can have mild, moderate, or severe exacerbations. Some patients with intermittent asthma experience severe and life-threatening exacerbations separated by long periods of normal lung function and no symptoms.



1. from Na t i o n a l A s t h m a E d u c a t i o n a n d P r e v e n t i o n P r o g r a m
Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma, NIH PUBLICATION NO. 97-4051
JULY 1997 NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute