4 yo

(also see 3.5 y/o for other milestones to assess)

Gross Motor: hops on one foot
Adaptive/Fine Motor: copies cross, identifies some numbers and letters
Sensory: normal vision is 20:40
Language: understands prepositions (under, on, behind, in front of). Referral Guidelines for speech delay
Social: dresses w/ little assistance, shoes on correct feet, thumb sucking peaks 18-21 mos of age, resolves by 4 yo
Nutrition: Juice and Water: 1-6 years old can get 4-6 oz per day
Growth: Head circ 4-6 years: 1 cm/year. From age 4 to puberty, if growth is < 4.5 cm/year, that's abnormal. Average height: 2-12 years:  6 x age + 77  (2.5 x age + 30)
PE: Stills murmur 3-6 y/o, but occasionally in infancy.  At 2.5 years of age to age 5, children are usually knock kneed. Internal tibial torsion is non-pathologic in kids under 5.

Screening Labs: Vision-Screening
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