2 months old


Vision: looks at faces in line of vision, attempts to look at parent; tracks to midline and maybe all around (120 degrees in the 8-10 week; 180 degrees by 3 months);. Focuses accurately by 2-3 mos of age. Depth perception to understand the 3-D world not yet developed (3rd to 5th month). If cannot fix and follow by age 2 mos, needs referral to ophtho!!! Vision Development
Language and Communication: coos, different crying for different needs; responds to sounds by becoming quiet/alert or cooing in response to voice. At 1.5 months, reciprocal social smile. (spontaneous social smile in response to familiar face @ 4 mos). Gets bored (cries, fussy) when no changes in activity occur!
Fine Motor: briefly holds a rattle, hands fisted half the time. Persistent fisting at 3 mos  is the earliest symptom of neuromotor dysfunction.
Gross Motor: when prone, hold head temporarily erect 45 degrees and moves it side to side. Consistent head control in supported sitting position. Red flag: rolling prior to 3 mos may indicated hypertonia.

Physical Exam



Anticipatory Guidance



Screening and Immunizations

Final Advice

Next visit at age 4 mos.